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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rekah's Birthday Party - 10:04 pm

You just knew that Rekah's birthday party would bring out some faces you hadn't seen in a long while. The first it seems is Joey! In a mini dress (of course), Joey just strutted her way in! More surprisingly, she was there by herself! She never is without a date. And, of course, I had to show up to take the opportunity to escort her. Lovely!

She had questions about a certain HAWT duelist -- Kalamere -- and his new lady -- Yeardley.  I have a feeling that Joey might still have some feelings of her own for her former... well, we wouldn't call him her former 'boyfriend', maybe 'friend with benefits' might be more accurate?

Oh! And now I get to see Amthy's dress for myself! It's adorable! Purple with a flouncy skirt with poodles embroidered onto it. She's rummaging around in her cleavage.... and, oh, pulling out a gift. Iiiiinteresting. Really, who wouldn't want to stick their hand down there???

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