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Monday, February 27, 2012

Stewed Comments

Saturday night was Stew Day! Only in RhyDin would there be a holiday to make sacrifices to a meal that you're afraid might include you as an ingredient if you don't. The Stew was in rare form, gurgling and bubbling and splattering in various directions. We only hope that it was appeased for another year. 

We here at the Den of Gossip don't understand the fascination with Sergei. He seems a little... I don't know... dorky to us. But you readers can't seem to get enough of him. We are constantly deluged with fan mail asking what he is up to and if he's dating anyone new since the loss of his girlfriend. From what we see, the teenager is still on the market. But hold onto your panties, ladies! Saturday night he was seen sporting a brand new tattoo. He was seen showing off some falcons with interlocking talons surrounding some sort of flower inked onto his arm to the lovely Robyn. I know some of you will get a thrill out of that! Everybody likes a dash of bad in their favorite good guy!

That good guy also played hero for Cuyler who got her fingers stuck in some bottles. Yeah, got her fingers stuck in some bottles. Insanity. We sure hope there was a whole lot of alcohol involved in that problem and not a whole lot of stupid but we have a feeling it was a heavy dose of both. She then proceeded to get Sergei very VERY drunk.

Also, often on our female readers minds is if Ravie is still laying claim to Cooper. The answer is an affirmative! For two people who said they were going to take things slowly, they seem pretty inseparable. If the chemistry that was raging between them Saturday night when she was sitting in his lap is any sign, they are going anything but slow. Hot and heavy is the way we would describe it. They were seen hanging out with their friends Thorn and Cianan. We don't know much about either of them. He's a drow and she's a total hottie but we hear she's a bit of a bad ass. Details, details! You know we want them so if you've got them on either of them, send those details our way!

Our sources reported back to us that Paige was seen groping herself and overheard telling Mesteno that she was going to stalk him and ogle him in the shower. WTF! Needless to say, he was seen leading her out a short time later. Ha! We hear that Vera was overheard saying that she didn't think that even drunk she could be that bold. Oooooh! Please someone get Vera drunk so the theory can be tested. Now THAT is something we'd love to blog about!

Issy and Dean evidently got into it briefly when he almost clipped her with a door and she called him a "kid". We're almost sorry that it didn't come to blows because THAT would be an interesting battle. Who would your money be on? It's awfully hard NOT to bet on Issy, isn't it???

The lovely Anya made a trip in public after her much discussed kidnapping. Our sources say that she was looking a little rough but was the same, sweet Anya and came bearing some yummy treats! Love to see that she's standing strong in spite of everything! There was another loooovely blonde watching her EVERY move. She wasn't about letting Anya out of her sights. We don't know much about her other than her name is Zava and that she's HAWT! Just based on looks alone there's been a suggestion that they're related but we have no confirmation of that.

 Wowzer! Just when we thought the Jake and Iona thing was off, he showed up in the Inn Saturday night while she was chatting with a friend. The conversation was too low to catch any words of but she was seen leaving quickly after only a brief chat with Jake and he gave chase. We're dying to know if these two are back on and why he stayed away from Iona for weeks!

Details are beginning to emerge on THE wedding of the year -- Eless and that guy!!! We still don't have a date yet but Eless sure as heck better make sure we get to break the exclusive as soon as one is decided upon! As for a bridal party, the only news we have so far is that Lirssa will be serving as a flower girl. She's sure to be quite the lovely flower girl! It's also been reported that there will be Bachelorette/Bachelor parties on the same night and they already sound totally delic! Eless was overheard telling Kate that they hoped to be able to sneak one of the Den of Gossip's minions in to take notes of the men's outlandish behavior. Oh, you better believe we'll be trying to sneak sources into BOTH parties. Eless has refused to give into advice to elope. THANK GOODNESS! If she took away the. event. of. the. year. from us we would have to kidnap her in the middle of fashion week or something! We neeeed this wedding!

Speaking of weddings, NOBODY TOLD US THAT KATE AND LUCKY ELOPED! Heck, we didn't even know the two of them were together. Doesn't that strike you as, I don't know, an odd pairing or something??? Not that Lucky isn't used to women who are constantly up to mischief and mayhem. That does seem to be what he's attracted to. Kate said that they eloped to avoid the stress of a public wedding and there's no details of even a party to celebrate the event. If Lucky has any say in the matter, we're sure he'd like to keep it that way. He's not the public celebration sort. Total bummer! Weddings make the people happy!

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